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Heavenly Father, Hallelujah! I Praise your Holy Name, for You are Worthy to be Praised! Glory
be to God! Lord, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Lord my Heart is Filled with So Much
Gratefulness & Adoration! I just love Praising your name just because of Who You Are! You
are an Awesome God & Thank You for Loving Me & Being My Friend. Thank you for Every
Door You’ve Open & Every Door You’ve Closed. Lord, I am Praying today for the Non-
Believers, the Secret Christians & the Ones who have Doubt. I want to let them know Jesus
is Real! Lord, Anoint them so that their Souls experience your Goodness! Although, it is You
that Wakes them Up Every Morning, You who Blew Breath in their Bodies, You who gave them
the Ability to Open their Eyes and Strength to even Walk. Because of You is Why they Even
Exist. Allow them to be Closer to You! Let them know that you are a Friend to the End, a
Father to the Fatherless & Motherless and You will Never Leave their side! All they need to
do is Seek Ye First! Your Word, John 20:27, says, “Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger
here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
We are standing on Your Promise! Lord, we will be so Careful to Give you the Praise, Glory &
Honor! In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!

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